November 3, 2016
Corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers Attempt to Have Mandelbrot Blog Posts Removed
The letters keep coming. I’ve attached copies of some of them below.
One-by-one corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers have written my website provider in an effort to remove truthful, transparent and verifiable facts regarding bad faith, fraud, and the misappropriation of Trust funds (Racketeering) taking place at nearly every Asbestos Trust in the Country. No removal of any posts is taking place. Everything posted is entirely true.
Not one of these ‘lawyers’ or other “Asbestos Trust Mafia” members has contacted me. All know I take great pride in honesty, truthfulness and transparency. Instead, they try and use their “Big Law Firms” clout to intimidate my website provide (while misappropriating victims’ money to do so). To be clear: Benjamin Smith (Morgan Lewis) is a perjurer, liar and a fraud whose acts have harmed thousands of asbestos victims while misappropriating monies to his former Law Associates (Stephen Snyder, Gary Fergus, Chuck LaGrave) and other Mafia members (Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan)…..and now he tries to use Morgan Lewis ‘name’ to protects a bunch of frauds (Sara Beth Brown, Laura Paul)…..while stealing victim’s monies. I think Smith’s acts speak for themselves…
Here’s the letters from the Dishonest Lawyers
Letter from DII Asbestos Trust to Justia from Gregg McHugh
Letter from Benjamin Smith – re Laura Paul
Let’s be clear – Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown were solely hired to commit and further the fraud of Stephen Snyder, Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan/David McClain – Neither Brown nor Paul know a thing about asbestos and should never have been hired to oversee billions in victims’ funds. Who is behind Brown and Paul?
Stephen Snyder – the biggest fraud of them all…

Benjamin Smith’s “Buddy” – Stephen Snyder – Corrupt Lawyer overseeing Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown
Letter from Benjamin Smith – Morgan Lewis – Chuck LaGrave
Letter from Jason Rubinstein – Friedman Kaplan
Friedman Kaplan dishonest and corrupt attorney – Jason Rubinstein (has ‘harmed’ hundreds of Manville claimants