• The Asbestos Legal Center will ensure you receive the best legal representation available
  • The Asbestos Legal Center has recovered over $80,000,000 for victims of Asbestos Diseases
  • Over $30,000,000,000 available to victims of Asbestos Diseases
  • Mesothelioma? Call the Asbestos Legal Center for Top Notch Assistance
  • Free Information and an Attorney Evaluation for all Callers
  • Asbestos Legal Center Attorneys Standing By to Assist You!
  • Lung Cancer from Asbestos? We can help!
  • The silent killer - Asbestos Diseases and Cancers - Call the Asbestos Legal Center
  • Over 20 years Experience Representing Victims of Asbestos Diseases - The Asbestos Legal Center
  • We have documents (over 1,000,000 pages) for nearly all Asbestos companies!
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Asbestos Trusts are Rigged by Steven Kazan – An Asbestos Plaintiff Lawyer!

Could there be a more corrupt lawyer in American History than Steven Kazan? Impossible.

You cannot find me a lawyer, like Kazan, who has stolen MORE than $1Billion. You cannot find me a lawyer, like Kazan, who has engaged in racketeering, criminal conduct, and insider dealing for over 20 years. And you cannot find me a lawyer, like Kazan, who has bribed Judges and lied to Courts more than Steven Kazan. Kazan is the worst of the worst.

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Honeywell Settlement with NARCO Personal Injury Trust – Terrible for Asbestos Victims!!

Steven Kazan is a criminal.

The North American Refractories Asbestos Trust Advisory Committee (criminals Steve Kazan, Alan Brayton) are supposed to be “Fiduciaries” for Asbestos Victims — ensuring all Asbestos Victims are treated equally and fairly. But as we’ve seen time and time again with Asbestos Trust Advisory Committee’s containing Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton, corruption, fraud and theft of Asbestos Trust funds is their goal. And now, another $1B is gone  due to them….

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June 2024 –

I was ‘forced’ to write Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond again!!!

The Most Dishonest Judge in American History

The Most Dishonest Judge in American History- Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Enables Asbestos Trust Fraud

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If I don’t provide notice to Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries and the Department of Justice of Massive Fraud – They Will Conceal It from the U.S. Attorney and U.S. Trustee and Department of Justice…so here some notice of massive Trust Fraud…
Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries,
Please confirm that the Asbestos Trusts in which you are Trustees/Trust Counsel/Fiduciaries (Trust Lists Attached) have suspended the Law Firm of Simmons Hanly Conroy from the Trusts and that no further offers or payments will be remitted to  Simmons Hanly Conroy as of May 22, 2024.
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Judge Sheri Bluebond – The Most Corrupt Judge in American History!!

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country - Sheri Bluebond - Biased - Unethical Relationship to Eve Karasik

The Most Corrupt Judge in American History = Sheri Bluebond – Has Financial and Personal Interest in EVERY big case she oversees. Deplorable human being.

Every single ruling by corrupt and  ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Every one.

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Gilbert Purcell of Brayton Purcell had to the most overrated attorney is asbestos litigation. “Purcell has no ability to relate to jurors,”  said one anonymous veteran asbestos lawyer.  Why anyone would think Purcell is a decent lawyer (and human) or hire Brayton Purcell is quite shocking….


Gilbert Purcell (Brayton Purcell) – Shifty, Overrated, Dishonest Attorney

Below is both the Verdict and Jury Forms on a March 14, 2024 – Trial Loss For Gilbert Purcell (Brayton Purcell) in Lisa Castillo, et al. v. John Crane Inc. (CGC-16-276540)

Contact Information