Los Angeles Asbestos Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik Commits Perjury in Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Annual Reports 2014-2020
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik is at it again! More perjury. Perjury in Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe Annual Reports 2020 – Just as with all others!
More lies (from a pathological liar). Eve Karasik Fraud – Thorpe Insulation Annual Reports 2020. Karasik seemingly has an enemy in the “truth”. How can Karasik get away with committing perjury year after year after year after year…..? She know her old buddy – Corrupt Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond will sign off on anything Karasik puts before her. Anything.
What is Karasik hiding in EVERY ANNUAL THORPE REPORT? Fraud by Trust Fiduciaries. Insider Dealing by Trust Fiduciaries. Misappropriation of Funds by Trust Fiduciaries (millions every year – especially by Karasik). Trustee fraud. Sham Lawsuits to ban esteemed professionals from filing claims. Simply put – Karasik is a criminal. But Karasik can act with impunity so long as Judge Sheri Bluebond is on the Bench.
Here are other examples Karasik Perjury in Annual Reports- Always approved by Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond –
Thorpe Annual Report 2019 – Filed in 2020 by Karasik
Sadly, Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond is just as bad as Karasik. Even worse. Corrupt Bluebond – who has engaged in prejudicial and unethical dealings with Karasik approves Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Annual Reports filed by Karasik – knowing Karasik has committed perjury and fraud. Karasik KNOWS anything paperwork she puts in front of Bluebond will be signed. Below you will find a compilation of letters sent to Judge Sheri Bluebond detailing this fraud. How many of the letters did Bluebond publish in the Court File? ONE (presumably only because I copied the D.O.J.). Bluebond is as corrupt as they come….

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Can’t Follow the Law – Karasik’s buddy!
An example of perjury in the Annual Reports by Karasik? Every year Karasik and Bluebond know there is insider dealing, misappropriation of funds and bad faith at the Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trusts. EVERY YEAR. And each year, Karasik and Bluebond are provided undisputed evidence of theft and fraud at the Trusts. And what do they do? Sweep it under the rug! Conceal the fraud. Conceal the misappropriation of funds. Conceal the theft. Conceal the insider dealing (Al Brayton, Steve Kazan, Karasik).
Examples- Blatant Fraud and Theft Ignored by Karasik and Bluebond Taking Place at the Trust:
- Thorpe Insulation Trust Advisory Chairman (Alan Brayton) used Trust Funds to PAY FOR HIS WEDDING. Karasik and Bluebond were provided with the correspondence, the actual check, the actual invoice and the confirmation (from Brayton’s wife) how much to pay from the Trust. Absolutely undisputed evidence! This was dismissed by Bluebond and Karasik and NEVER mentioned in the Annual Reports (“Hey, the Chairman of the Trusts is stealing! We will just HIDE it….”). Here is the UNDISPUTED evidence (concealed by Bluebond and Karasik) – First the ACTUAL CHECK: Asbestos Trust Check used to pay for Brayton’s WEDDING – Here is the INVOICE – Invoice Paid To Brayton’s Wife from Trust Funds – Brayton’s Wedding – Here is the Correspondence – E-Mail dated September 25, 2015 from Trust Accountant to Brayton’s Wife and her response – E-Mail dated September 25, 2015 to Brayton’s Wife from Trust on Reimbursement for Wedding Dinner
- Regular Annual Reports with Eve Karasik committing perjury – and fraud – ALWAYS approved by Bluebond – Thorpe Annual Report 2019 – Filed in 2020 by Karasik – Blatant Fraud. Kazan stealing millions – Annual Reports – Millions of Dollars Misappropriated to Kazan, Brayton, Snyder, Brobeck, Morgan Lewis (all “Interested” parties)
- Sham Lawsuits against Plaintiff Lawyers harming thousands of Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Victims – This Declaration tells you all you need to know. Karasik (under Bluebond’s ‘guidance’) stole millions in this case. And Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond ruled for Karasik on EVERY ruling (often times having Karasik write Orders for Bluebond weeks in advance of Hearings so Bluebond could rule for Karasik). Here’s some proof: Declaration of Michael J. Mandelbrot Detailing J.T. Thorpe and Thorpe Insulation Trust Fraud – And here’s another Declaration of Michael Mandelbrot.Objection to Annual Report-Detailing Trust Fraud and Insider Dealing
And both Bluebond and Karasik were on NOTICE of Fraud and Theft – But did nothing! Here is a compilation of letters to Judge Bluebond from the past 4 years which contain undisputed evidence of theft, fraud, and insider dealing at the Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos trusts. Compilation of Letters to Judge Bluebond (Notice)-Detailing Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Corrupt and Fraud 2014-Present.
Amazing that “Fiduciaries” could commit such blatant fraud and perjury!! EVERY YEAR IN THORPE AND J.T. THORPE ANNUAL REPORTS – KARASIK ‘DISMISSES’ THIS FRAUD (WHILE EVEN REFERRING TO THIS VERY BLOG). What a lying beast!
See Complete file of fraud – United States Bankruptcy Court – Central District Los Angeles Division – Cas No. 2:07-bk-200016-BB
Karasik has been stealing Trust Funds and Hiding Trust Fraud for a Decade – Always with the help of Bluebond…..Disgraceful lawyers who clearly think they are “Above the Law”….