Articles Tagged with Eve Karasik
Notice to All Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries – “Prudence Requires” All Asbestos Trusts Suspend Simmons Hanly Conroy
Judge Sheri Bluebond – The Most Corrupt Judge in American History!! 2000-Present…Bribery, Fraud, Corruption….
Judge Sheri Bluebond – The Most Corrupt Judge in American History!!

The Most Corrupt Judge in American History = Sheri Bluebond – Has Financial and Personal Interest in EVERY big case she oversees. Deplorable human being.
Every single ruling by corrupt and ‘sham’ Los Angeles Bankruptcy Judge Sheri Bluebond should be questioned. Every one.
The Most Corrupt Women Lawyers in America – Asbestos Litigation – 2022 (Updated)
Editor’s note: As a married father of two children, be assured that no one has more respect for women and women lawyers than me. Some of the best lawyers in Asbestos Litigation are females. The best. But also some of the absolute worst. Women lawyers and “professionals” who give all women a ‘bad name’. Riddled with corruption, bad faith, and a desire to appease their male superiors, these women below are the worst of the worst: A Judge (Sheri Bluebond) who is an unabashed liar and fraud who ONLY rules with bias; An entirely unqualified, uneducated “executive director” (Laura Paul) who has enabled the misappropriation of billions of dollars in asbestos Trust Funds through a decade of lies of criminal fraud; And a lawyer (Eve Karasik), who has used her close and personal friendship with corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond to harm the rights of thousands of Asbestos victims and lawyers. I don’t want to write this blog post, but the “truth” needs to be told and perpetuated about these corrupt female lawyers.
Updated – August 2022
America’s Top 10 Corrupt Female Lawyers (Asbestos) – 2022 Edition
Just Released! The Most Corrupt Lawyers in America 2021 (Asbestos Litigation) – Steven Kazan Tops the Corrupt Lawyer List Again!
Just Released!
The Most Corrupt Lawyers in America 2021 (Asbestos Litigation) –
America’s Top 10 Corrupt Lawyers – (Asbestos Litigation) – Bonus Members Too!!!
Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &
Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust Sued!! Medicare Fraud! Now 2 Lawsuits Filed Against these Corrupt Asbestos Trusts ( &
Insider Dealing, Concealment of Payments, Fraud (Eve Karasik – J.T. Thorpe, Inc.’s Corrupt Lawyer Involved!)…
It was just a matter of time before the Thorpe Insulation Asbestos Settlement Trust and the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust were sued. Just a matter of time…
Los Angeles Asbestos Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik Commits Perjury in Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Annual Reports 2015-2020
Los Angeles Asbestos Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik Commits Perjury in Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Annual Reports 2014-2020
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer Eve Karasik is at it again! More perjury. Perjury in Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe Annual Reports 2020 – Just as with all others!
Asbestos Trust Fraud – Letter to Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond (Los Angeles) – Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust – J.T. Thorpe Inc. Settlement Trust
Opinion –
Updated – 1/30/2021 –
Judge Sheri Bluebond PUBLISHED the letter I sent her below. The letter is now part of the Thorpe Asbestos Trust and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Trust Court Record –
Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond Does It Again!! Signs off on Thorpe Asbestos Trust Annual Reports Containing Obvious Perjury and Fraud
Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond Does It Again!! Signs off on Thorpe 2019 Asbestos Trust Annual Reports Containing Obvious Perjury and Fraud
Judge Bluebond is a Complete Fraud! Year after year she does it. Knowing corruption, theft of Thorpe Asbestos Trust funds, fraud, and insider dealing are taking place on a daily basis at Asbestos Trusts — and Bluebond does nothing!! She has “earned” the title of the “Most Corrupt Judge in the Country”. She knows it too – but doesn’t care. A self-righteous, soulless human with solely corruption and appeasing her buddies as her goals.