Corrupt Asbestos Trust Fiduciary Stephen Snyder Resigns Amid Department of Justice Investigation!
Stephen Snyder – Corrupt Lawyer Resigns Amid DOJ Investigations!!
The “Devil” is finally gone. Stephen Snyder is resigning from all Asbestos Trusts.
Western Asbestos, J.T. Thorpe, Inc., Thorpe Insulation, Plant Insulation Trust – He’s Gone!
Asbestos victims can rejoice!
This absolute “piece of shit” Stephen Snyder should have been disqualified from ever working for Asbestos Trusts. For 20 years (1979-1999) – Snyder represented ASBESTOS COMPANIES (Fibreboard is tens of thousands of cases) thus having a bias disqualifying him from working for any Trusts. He was disqualified! But through conspiracy and collusion with Alan Brayton, David McClain, and Steven Kazan (Asbestos Plaintiff lawyers and Trust Fiduciaries) – Snyder became the Managing Trustee — for Billions in victim’s funds. And from 2000-present billions have misappropriated with Snyder at the helm. Who had the power to sign the checks for victim’s funds? Stephen Snyder!
It’s no coincidence over a billion dollars was ‘diverted’ to Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan (through fraudulent defaults, shifty accounting, biased reviews and valuation of claims, and just pure theft.
Here is the Notice regarding his resignation
(note that Snyder’s lawyer Michael Molland is a known perjurer, fraud, ‘loser’ and interested party disqualifying him from employment – Michael Molland (the stuttering fool)…Note also the ‘confidentiality clauses’ in his Notice. He’s resigning and doing everything possible to keep the fraud/collusion/bad faith confidential. Department of Justice – please do take “Notice”. Note – if forced to testify – Snyder will “lie”. How do I know? I’ve deposed him. The definition of perjury. The deposition is below. Note that even when Snyder did corrections in the depo – he attempted to conceal the true spelling of “Kananian” to conceal Brayton’s fraud and his knowledge and involvement in the same.
Why does Snyder need a confidentiality clause? To hide two decades of misappropriation, fraud and corruption from asbestos victim’s funds. The Western Asbestos, J.T Thorpe, Inc., Thorpe Insulation and Plant Asbestos Trusts. He should have nothing to hide…
Goodbye Stephen Snyder….
Goodbye Snyder — This biggest thief in Asbestos Trust Fund history (see links below) – and you should have been disqualified from ever working for Trusts
Goodbye Snyder – You’re an undeniable perjurer and liar…
Goodbye Snyder – Go join your partner-in-crime (douche bag) Gary Fergus having left a legacy of fraud and theft from asbestos victims totaling billions…
Goodbye Snyder – Please take the most corrupt lawyers/Trust Fiduciaries with you – Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan, David McClain…
Goodbye Snyder – No more ‘lap dogs’ in Reno (Laura Paul and Sara Beth Brown – “Reno’s Biggest Trust Thieves”) treating you like a ‘king’ with asbestos victim’s money…How much did Paul and Brown steal under your “watch”….?….Sara Beth Brown was FIRED for theft from her prior job – why was she your choice? Paul – zero background in asbestos, law, and not a college graduate. And she’s your choice to oversee claims?
Goodbye Snyder – No more yearly theft of millions of dollars by you from victims (see Annual Reports – payments to your crappy firm disguised as “over $10,000 and especially to your buddy “Fergus Law” – Gary Fergus)…
Goodbye Snyder – No more Negligent Oversight of Billions of Dollars in Victims Funds allowing Gary Fergus, Alan Brayton, Steven Kazan, Laura Paul, Sara Beth Brown, and Chuck LeGrave to STEAL nearly a billion dollars from victims…
Goodbye Snyder – No more fraudulent Alan Brayton (Brayton Purcell) claims being paid (see Kananian – documents below) – a half a million dollar theft by Brayton in 1 claim (and he passed thousands of other similar claims)…
Goodbye Snyder – No more cover-up of Fraudulent Defaults filed by Alan Brayton and David McClain – to which you paid billions (clearly WHY you have a confidentiality clause in your resignation)….
Goodbye Snyder – What are you going to do without your “Asbestos Trust Cartel” (Brayton, Kazan) diverting you millions?….
Goodbye Snyder – No more appearing before corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond knowing she’s biased and will rule for you on everything…
Goodbye Snyder – No more sham lawsuits (like the one against the Mandelbrot Law Firm) designed to suppress valid victim’s claims and divert monies to your partners-in-crime Gary Fergus and Alan Brayton….
Goodbye Snyder – You’ve left a legacy of fraud and misappropriation of funds.
Hopefully, the Department of Justice is not done with you!

Stephen Snyder
Evidence of Insider Dealing – Snyder
WMAC Release-Jack Kananian 2004 – Snyder and Brayton stealing millions
Fraudulent Brayton Claim – Kananian was never at Hunters Point
13-43677.Objection to Annual Report – Details Snyder’s Fraud
Exhibit 4 – Snyder and Fergus (Brobeck) represented Debtor – Collusion with Brayton
Notice to the Court of Snyder’s Fraud
More “Notice” to Bluebond of Snyder’s Fraud
Actual Check — Snyder – Brown paying Brayton’s Wife!
Proof – Snyder (the Trustee) paying Snyder (for Brobeck)from Victim’s Funds! – $50,000,000 in theft here!
Deposition of Stephen Snyder – He’s a PERJURER
Corrupt Judge Overseeing Snyder’s Fraud – Sheri Bluebond