Opinion –
Updated – 1/30/2021 –
Judge Sheri Bluebond PUBLISHED the letter I sent her below. The letter is now part of the Thorpe Asbestos Trust and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Asbestos Trust Court Record –
Here it is! Bluebond Letter – Thorpe Trust Record – Jan 2021
Asbestos Trust Fraud – Letter to Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond (Los Angeles) – Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust – J.T. Thorpe Inc. Settlement Trust
January 11, 2021
Honorable Sheri Bluebond, Chief Judge
United States Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California
Edward R. Roybal Federal Building and Courthouse
255 E. Temple Street, Suite 1534 / Courtroom 1539
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Re: Justice Department Files Statement of Interest Urging Transparency in the Compensation of Asbestos Claims
Dear Judge, Bluebond:
Have you read the Justice Department’s “Statement of Interest Urging Transparency in the Compensation of Asbestos Claims”? I have attached a copy for your records.
Please note that you are in large part responsible for this unprecedented filing by the Justice Department in In re Bestwall LLC in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of North Carolina. Asbestos Trust matter. Every bad faith act discussed by the Justice Department’s filing relating to Asbestos Trusts was accomplished (by your “close friends”) in your Courtroom – with your complete blessing, knowledge, comprehension, and approval.
For the past 15 years, you have confirmed and presided over the Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe Asbestos Trusts with full knowledge there was:
- Collusion among Plaintiff lawyers/Trust Advisory Committee Members and other Trustees (Steven Kazan, Alan Brayton, your close buddy Eve Karasik, Managing Trustee and “interested party” Stephen Snyder” et al.).
- Excessive (grossly) payments on (fraudulent) claims (by Kazan, Brayton’s and others).
- Excessive duplicative recoveries (“Double Dipping) from the J.T. Thorpe and Thorpe Insulation Trusts (Kazan and Brayton).
- Diminishing and depleting of Asbestos Trust funds through illegal and excessive improper payments to Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries (including your buddy Eve Karasik) through your sham billing and excessive payment to favored Law Firms — so that ALL future Asbestos victims get a small fraction of what they should have received from the Thorpe Trust funds.
- Insider dealing and favoritism among Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries on both Thorpe Trusts – including your extensive involvement.
- Completely“Sham” Audits (by hiring interested parties) to ban esteemed Lawyers and Doctors and misappropriate Trust funds; and
- Gross mismanagement of Asbestos Trusts (both Thorpe Trusts) and misappropriation of tens of millions in Thorpe Beneficiary Trust Funds (you approved millions of dollars in improper payments – disguised as “Attorney Fees” to Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton).
Why have you permitted this criminal conduct to take place over the past 15 years? You were provided with extensive evidence that the Chairman of the Trust Advisory Committee (Alan Brayton) was filing fraudulent Asbestos Trust claims (the Kananian matter). You did nothing! You were provided actual Trust checks (attached) proving Asbestos Trust funds were being used by Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries to pay for Brayton’s wedding. You did nothing! You received Thorpe and J.T. Thorpe Inc. Annual Reports year after year which you know contain information relating misappropriation of funds, insider dealing, Trustee fraud, and deceit. You sign off every year like a ‘puppet’! Disgraceful!
For well over a decade, you have effectively been an “active participant” in Asbestos Trust fraud by inviting Asbestos Trust Fraud in your Courtroom. All J.T. Thorpe Inc. and Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust Fiduciaries know you will rule with favoritism, bias, and bad faith by approving ANY Motion, Request, or Annual Report filed in your Courtroom. In fact, in the Thorpe v. Mandelbrot matters, you knowingly ordered the deposition of a convicted felon and perjurer simply because your buddies deemed him credible. In those cases, you also ruled ‘buddies’ on EVERY Motion, Brief, and filing despite little merit (and substantial harm to Trust Beneficiaries). Even worse, after a successful Mandelbrot Appeal, your created “Bad Law” (completely incomprehensible) solely to assist your ‘buddies’ at the Thorpe Trusts.
It is no coincidence that many of the Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries (Trustees/Trust Advisory Committee Members/Fraudsters) on the two Thorpe Trusts in your Courtroom are also Trust “Fiduciaries” in the Bestwall matter including Steven Kazan, Ankura Consulting, Sander Esserman, and Alan Brayton. And while it is clear that these Asbestos Trusts Fiduciaries (Plaintiff Lawyers and Trustees) are engaging in fraud, bad faith, and mismanagement relating to Asbestos Trusts, at least one Judge is too! Judge Sheri Bluebond. None of the Trust Fiduciary fraud and theft of Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe, Inc. Trust funds could have been accomplished if it were not for your ‘criminal’ assistance – but you have always obliged, indulged and accommodated the Fiduciaries — simply because they are your ‘buddies’, and you are forever indebted to them for assisting you with recommendations for the Bench.
We are providing a copy of this letter to Justice Department, in addition to the information relating to Asbestos Trust fraud and mismanagement in which you are entirely entangled and enmeshed. You have known for decades about Asbestos Trust Fraud in your Courtroom and refused to act – thus harming thousands of Asbestos Beneficiaries – solely because the Thorpe Trusts’ Attorneys are your former co-workers and friends who assisted you in your application to the Bench.
You really are the “Most Corrupt Judge in the Country” – an embarrassment to the Judiciary who has been an active participant by inviting Asbestos Trust insider dealing and fraud.
Michael J. Mandelbrot, Attorney for Asbestos Victims
List of Documents relating to Judge Sheri Bluebond Fraud/Ignorance/Misconduct
E-Mail – The Bachelor watch party PAID FOR BY THE TRUST 2016
Articles – Brayton Fraudulent Bankruptcy Claims – Completely Ignored by Judge Bluebond
November 2012 Declaration Notifying Trusts of John Lynch – Convicted Felon who Judge Bluebond found Credible – Harmed Thousands of Asbestos Victims
Notice of Thorpe Trust Fraud dated April 5, 2018
Exhibit 2 – Misconduct, Insider Dealing Presiding Judge Sheri Bluebond
Order Detailing Alan Brayton (www.braytonpurcell.com) Fraud

Judge Bluebond’s Corrupt Buddy – Perjurer and Trust Fiduciary Eve Karasik – Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer/Fraud
Copies: DOJ, J.T. Thorpe, Inc. and Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trusts