Articles Tagged with Kazan McClain

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Asbestos Trusts are Rigged by Steven Kazan – An Asbestos Plaintiff Lawyer!

Could there be a more corrupt lawyer in American History than Steven Kazan? Impossible.

You cannot find me a lawyer, like Kazan, who has stolen MORE than $1Billion. You cannot find me a lawyer, like Kazan, who has engaged in racketeering, criminal conduct, and insider dealing for over 20 years. And you cannot find me a lawyer, like Kazan, who has bribed Judges and lied to Courts more than Steven Kazan. Kazan is the worst of the worst.

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Master List of Asbestos Producing Companies

Note – There is tremendous fraud, insider dealing, bad faith, and misappropriation of funds at Asbestos Trusts (by California lawyers Alan Brayton and Steven Kazan and others). Nonetheless, the Mandelbrot Law Firm has recovered over $100,000,000 for asbestos victims from Trusts.

The following is a complete list of companies who produced products that used or contained asbestos in one or more forms. Of course many of these companies made products that did not-contain asbestos as well.

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Mesothelioma Attorneys Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton Have Pulled The Largest Con (Theft) in Legal History –

Far Worse than Thomas Girardi…

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February 3, 2023

Mesothelioma Attorney Steven Kazan Has Pulled The Largest Con in Legal History – Asbestos Litigation (over $1 billion stolen) – Far Worse than Thomas Girardi…

California Attorney Thomas Girardi misappropriated over $15 million from clients and he’s been indicted….But this is nothing compared to California Attorney Steven Kazan (

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January 6, 2023

Steven Kazan - The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America - NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B

Steven Kazan – The Most Corrupt Asbestos Lawyer in America – NARCO Trust Fund Thief cost Asbestos Victims over $1B

Steve Kazan is well known around the Country as “The Most Corrupt Lawyer in America”. This largely stems from his criminal theft and breach of fiduciary duty relating Asbestos Trust Funds (over $2B). But now we know his Law Firm (Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood) also CONCEALS EXPERT EVIDENCE (tissue analysis) is Mesothelioma Lawsuits to further his fraud. And he got caught!!

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July 31, 2023

Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards – Year 2023 – 4th Annual Edition

Not much has changed in the past year! Very easy choices for the Winners of the Asbestos Litigation Corruption Awards in 2023.

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Updated – December 2022

Department of Justice: California Asbestos Attorney Steven Kazan’s Bribery With Disgraced Former Judge Ken Kawaichi  Need to Be Investigated!

How Does a Former Presiding Judge Over Steve Kazan’s Cases (Ken Kawaichi) get a position as a Trustee with multiple Asbestos Trusts where Steven Kazan is Also Fiduciary? Bribery, Fraud, and Bad Faith….Here’s how it went down behind closed doors:

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Asbestos Trust Corruption – Cronyism, Insider Dealing, and Fraud by Fiduciaries Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton – Over $2,000,000,000.00 (BILLION) Misappropriated…Asbestos Victims Lose….

Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries are a “Pack of Frauds”….every single one of them!

The worst of them all are Plaintiff Lawyers Steven Kazan and Alan Brayton. By far! Kazan and Brayton are ‘supposed’ to be Fiduciaries for victims, not the biggest white collar criminals in the Country. But they’ve chosen the latter.

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