October 2022

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Enables Asbestos Trust Fraud
The most corrupt Judge in America is at it again — insider dealing, corruption, bias, fraud, and perjury… Simply put – you cannot win a case in the Courtroom of Judge Sheri Bluebond unless the lawyers are her local attorney friends, confidants, and those who she hopes will send “letters of recommendation” for her Reappointment to the Bench (since no one would ever elect or properly Appoint Judge Sheri Bluebond). And instead of fulfilling her Judicial and Ethical Duty to Recuse and Disqualify heself (with or without Motion), Bluebond prefers corruption. And now, in October 2022, Judge Bluebond fights disqualification and recusal again…