Articles Posted in Laura Paul Reno

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If I don’t provide notice to Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries and the Department of Justice of Massive Fraud – They Will Conceal It from the U.S. Attorney and U.S. Trustee and Department of Justice…so here some notice of massive Trust Fraud…
Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries,
Please confirm that the Asbestos Trusts in which you are Trustees/Trust Counsel/Fiduciaries (Trust Lists Attached) have suspended the Law Firm of Simmons Hanly Conroy from the Trusts and that no further offers or payments will be remitted to  Simmons Hanly Conroy as of May 22, 2024.
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August 2023

40 Years of Fraud – Alan Brayton (Brayton Purcell) – California’s Most Corrupt Lawyer – Criminal Theft, Fraud, Insider Dealing


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February 3, 2023

Mesothelioma Attorney Steven Kazan Has Pulled The Largest Con in Legal History – Asbestos Litigation (over $1 billion stolen) – Far Worse than Thomas Girardi…

California Attorney Thomas Girardi misappropriated over $15 million from clients and he’s been indicted….But this is nothing compared to California Attorney Steven Kazan (

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October 2022

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country - Sheri Bluebond - Biased - Unethical Relationship to Eve Karasik

The Most Dishonest Judge in the Country – Sheri Bluebond – Biased – Enables Asbestos Trust Fraud

The most corrupt Judge in America is at it again — insider dealing, corruption, bias, fraud, and perjury… Simply put – you cannot win a case in the Courtroom of Judge Sheri Bluebond unless the lawyers are her local attorney friends, confidants, and those who she hopes will send “letters of recommendation” for her Reappointment to the Bench (since no one would ever elect or properly Appoint Judge Sheri Bluebond). And instead of fulfilling her Judicial and Ethical Duty to Recuse and Disqualify heself (with or without Motion), Bluebond prefers corruption. And now, in October 2022, Judge Bluebond fights disqualification and recusal again…

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September 26, 2022

Over $50B ($Billion) has been contributed to Asbestos Trust Funds by ‘bankrupt’ Asbestos Companies. There are over 50 active Asbestos Trust Funds runs by “Fiduciaries” (Trustees, Plaintiff Lawyers, Futures Representatives, Professional) who are paid millions of dollars to ensure that 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust documents approved by Bankruptcy Courts.

Those 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust By-Laws and Asbestos Trust Distribution Procedures are as follows:

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Laura Paul – Celebrating 15 Years of Stealing and Misappropriating Western Asbestos Trust Victim’s Funds – Racketeering (Asbestos Trusts)

The “Biggest Little City in the World” (Reno, NV) also contains the “Biggest Asbestos Trust Fund Scammer” in the World:  RENO/SPARKS – Laura Paul –

Simply calling LAURA PAUL disgraceful and dishonest would be compliment. To think this lowly, uneducated, ‘cocktail’ waitress has misappropriated a BILLION Dollars ($1,000,000,000.00) to Corrupt Asbestos Lawyers (Alan Brayton/Steven Kazan), is almost unfathomable. But it’s true…..

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