Articles Posted in Ann McMillan Caplin Drysdale

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If I don’t provide notice to Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries and the Department of Justice of Massive Fraud – They Will Conceal It from the U.S. Attorney and U.S. Trustee and Department of Justice…so here some notice of massive Trust Fraud…
Asbestos Trust Fiduciaries,
Please confirm that the Asbestos Trusts in which you are Trustees/Trust Counsel/Fiduciaries (Trust Lists Attached) have suspended the Law Firm of Simmons Hanly Conroy from the Trusts and that no further offers or payments will be remitted to  Simmons Hanly Conroy as of May 22, 2024.
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The Year 2022 proved to be Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.) biggest year of Fraud. Already having misappropriated nearly $100 Million from Asbestos Trusts through sham/fraudulent audits, insider dealing, and bad faith, the Year 2022 was undoubtedly Ankura’s largest misappropriation of Victim Trust Funds….

Here’s some examples of Ankura Consulting’s Corruption in 2022:

  1. Ankura lied to Judges, Litigants, and Trust Fiduciaries in Durham v. Ankura Consulting LLC where Ankura is being sued for Fiduciary Fraud, Bad Faith, Intentional Torts and many other wrongdoings. Here’s some documents – Complaint – Dr. Durham v. Ankura Consulting – SHAM AUDITS – MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDSDurham v. Ankura – Order Denying Ankura’s Venue Motion – Case Remains in Federal Bankrupcty Court in MS. Doc.164.Order denying Ankura’s Motion for Sanctions.DURHAM.04.07.22. How much in Asbestos Victim Trust funds has Ankura Consulting used for their sham defense of this case? At least $5 Million! At least!
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September 26, 2022

Over $50B ($Billion) has been contributed to Asbestos Trust Funds by ‘bankrupt’ Asbestos Companies. There are over 50 active Asbestos Trust Funds runs by “Fiduciaries” (Trustees, Plaintiff Lawyers, Futures Representatives, Professional) who are paid millions of dollars to ensure that 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust documents approved by Bankruptcy Courts.

Those 2 Fundamental Rules in every Asbestos Trust By-Laws and Asbestos Trust Distribution Procedures are as follows:

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The “Enablers of Asbestos Trust Corruption” – 50 Disgraceful Individuals Engaged in Corruption –

Why is $10 Billion Dollars Missing from Asbestos Trust Funds? See below….

Do you want to know why $10 Billion Dollars is “missing” from Asbestos Victim Trust Funds?

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50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds

The list below contains some of the worst, most corrupt, dishonest, bribable, and disgraceful individuals in America. Bottom-feeders. Collectively, these “bottom-feeders” have misappropriated at least $5 Billion dollars from Asbestos Disease Victims – the Victims they are all paid handsomely to protect. $5 Billion!!!

Do these “Dirty 50” care? Probably not. These are “soulless” individuals. Disgracefully acting with impunity and knowingly committing fraud — but they just don’t care. If you know any of these individuals below – be warned. Most are pathological liars. Each has knowingly stolen asbestos monies (or enabled the same).

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Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s Criminal Conduct Continues – Asbestos Trusts Fund Theft

Despite multiple Lawsuits being filed against Ankura  Consulting LLC in 2021 for “sham audits” by noted and esteemed radiologists and physicians in 2021, Washington D.C.’s Ankura Consulting LLC’s is continuing its criminal conduct in 2022. More sham audits of lawyers and Doctors are coming in 2022. My office has already received multiple “sham” audit requests. And another noted Radiologist has received word he’s been “targeted” in 2022 by Ankura….could Ankura Consulting LLC. be a worse company? Can someone please show me another company that has misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars like Ankura Consulting LLC? Doubtful you can find a more corrupt company on this planet….(Bernie Madoff was close…).

Ankura Consulting LLC has already (2010-present) misappropriated BILLIONS of dollars from Asbestos Trust Fund Victims by conducting sham audits and misappropriating Asbestos Trust Funds (through insider dealing and excessive payments) to their “favored” Law Firms (Steve Kazan). While the Department of Justice wholly prohibits this conduct, Ankura Consulting completely ignores theses rules. And nobody does anything. For example, Department of Justice Rules prohibit Fiduciaries from being an “interested party” – Ankura, by billing Trusts at least $50 million dollars per year and serving in various Trust Fiduciary capacities (Futures Representative etc..) are an interested party. The Department of Justice Rules prohibit “schemes” to misappropriate Asbestos Trust Funds (these audits are a scheme…). “Favoritism” is prohibited. Why does Steven Kazan and others (and their fraudulent exposure evidence) receive a “pass” from audits? Ankura “favors” Steven Kazan. Ankura Consulting, through insider dealing with Asbestos Trust  (DCPF) Counsel Marla Eskin (Campbell & Levine), has misappropriated at least $500 million to Steven Kazan alone. As a result, EVERY victim of Asbestos Disease receives less than they should.

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Opinion- December 17, 2021 – Updated December 22, 2021 -Updated January 12, 2022

Rebecca Sciarrino – Munger Tolles & Olson’s Queen of Harassment, Fraud, Excessive Billing to Asbestos Trusts

It’s been 3 months of harassment, bad faith, and misappropriation by Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP’s Rebecca Sciarrino and the egomaniac Stuart Senator. Could there be 2 more disgraceful and narcissistic individuals. They have harassed me. They have harassed my wife. They have harassed my staff. They have harassed my dog. All related to a subpoena where I am not even a party and have no interest in the case. It is the definition of unethical conduct by MTO’s Rebecca Sciarrino and Stuart Senator….solely to harass and to misappropriate Trust funds.

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Ankura Consulting LLC – Fired from the Verus Asbestos Trusts (for conducting Sham Audits)

The chips are falling… Ankura Consulting LLC (Washington D.C.’s “Most Corrupt Company”) was FIRED from working for the Verus Asbestos Trusts! Why? No doubt for conducting “sham audits” of asbestos claims, insider dealing with Trust Advisory Committee members, and the excessive misappropriation of Asbestos Trust Funds (millions…).

There could not be a more corrupt company in Washington D.C. than Ankura Consulting LLC! Here are some details of Ankura’s corruption/criminal conduct over the past few years:

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Just Released!

The Most Corrupt Lawyers in America 2021 (Asbestos Litigation) –

America’s Top 10 Corrupt Lawyers – (Asbestos Litigation) – Bonus Members Too!!!

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