
Articles Posted in Mandelbrot Appeal


50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds

50+ Individuals Engaging in Corruption: Asbestos Litigation and Asbestos Trusts – Insider Dealing, Theft of Trust Funds The list below contains some of the worst, most corrupt, dishonest, bribable, and disgraceful individuals in America. Bottom-feeders. Collectively, these “bottom-feeders” have misappropriated at least $5 Billion dollars from Asbestos Disease Victims –…


Asbestos Trust Corruption and Fraud Runs Rampant in 2020- Here are the Lawyers Involved in Extensive Asbestos Trust Fund Fraud

Asbestos Trust Corruption and Fraud Runs Rampant in 2020 – Here are the Lawyers Involved in Extensive Asbestos Trust Fund Fraud The “Dirty 30” – 30 Corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers who are ALL engaging in Insider Dealing and Fraud!  The Corruption and Fraud is literally mind-blowing! Billions of Dollars have…


The Asbestos Trust Mafia – Corrupt Lawyers Harming Present and Future Asbestos Victims

  Opinion based on 20 years of filing Asbestos Trust Claims – See full blog post on this topic – Updated 2020  The Asbestos Trust Mafia Corrupt Lawyers Harming Present and Future Asbestos Victims The Most  Corrupt Lawyers in the Country Fraudster Steven Kazan Sued – Breach of Fiduciary Duty…


Referral – Criminal Complaint Against Marla Eskin – Asbestos Trust Attorney – Delaware

Dishonest Lawyer – Worse Person – Marla Eskin There are many, many corrupt Lawyers working for Asbestos Trusts. But few worse than Marla Eskin – Attorney, Delaware.   She lies to Asbestos Trust  Beneficiaries and their Counsel. She filed a complete false and misleading Declaration before the Court (criminal conduct)…


Corrupt Judge Sheri Bluebond Signs Order to Further Corruption, Fraud, and Misappropriation of Trust Funds – APPEAL PENDING

February 8, 2018  Judge Sheri Bluebond – Dishonest – Corrupt Judge – Bankruptcy Judge – Los Angeles, California It’s official! The most corrupt Judge is the Country sits in Los Angeles as a Bankruptcy Court Judge. Judge Sheri Bluebond – February 1, 2018 it became official when she entered Another…



UPDATED FEBRUARY 2018 – The  Corruption and Fraud by Trust Fiduciaries (Alan Brayton/Steven Kazan et al) has only gotten worse!! Opinion based on 20 years of filing Asbestos Trust Claims – See full blog post on this topic – Updated 2018 (and as circumstances change) The Asbestos Trust Mafia Corrupt…


What Was Judge Sheri Bluebond’s Connection to Judge Alex Kozinski?

December 18, 2017 OPINION Let Justice Roll On Like a River, Righteousness Like A Never-Failing Stream….(James Comey, quoting Amos 5:24)…. I love that quote! Did Former Judge Alex Kozinski’s Sexual Misconduct have a Negative Impact of Victims of Asbestos Diseases?  Has Judge Sheri Bluebond (who oversees the J.T. Thorpe and…


Thorpe Trust Lawyers Misappropriate Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Trust Beneficiary Funds for a 15 Minute Court Hearing

A misappropriation of victims funds took place in grand proportion on December 12, 2017. A simple hearing took place before Judge Sheri Bluebond where no more than one lawyer is needed. So how many did the Thorpe Insulation and J.T. Thorpe Settlement Trusts send? – 10 Lawyers! Yes – 10…


Corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers v. Corrupt Asbestos Trust Lawyers – This is too good!!

Have you seen the new Complaint filed by the Manville Trust lawyer Jason Rubinstein against the Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust (  and its corrupt lawyers Snyder, Miller & Orton (Stephen Snyder)? Here it is: Manville Trust v. Thorpe Insulation Trust Complaint This is too good to be true. Corruption v. Corruption……Solely…


Mandelbrot Law Firm wins Appeal versus Thorpe Trusts – Case Remanded!

Note from Michael Mandelbrot regarding successful Appeal against Thorpe Trusts – This was a long time coming! It’s been decades of bad faith and corruption by the J.T. Thorpe, Inc. ( Settlement Trust Fiduciaries and Thorpe Insulation Settlement Trust Fiduciaries ( My office was only sued for exposing this corruption…

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